• Jusak Pundiono Wonoadi Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabernakel Indonesia
  • Ester Agustina Tandana Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan
Keywords: tabernacle, presence, biblical history, tripartite, temple


The tabernacle is a Biblical institution as a place of God's presence among His people that was not suddenly created, just as the existence of God's people itself has historical traces and did not suddenly form. This paper provides a chronological view of God's presence until His presence is accommodated by an institution as the place where God dwells called the Tabernacle. The chronology will be discussed from the point of view of Biblical history by presenting facts that state explicitly or implicitly regarding the presence of God, and which are also related to the promise in the "Tabernacle’s Tripartite" formula from Genesis to the book of Revelation, which apparently coincides with "evolution". the place of God's presence, from the Tabernacle which is "non-permanent" to the Temple which is more impressed "permanent", then it is in the "tent" of the body of Jesus, as well as believers so that the place of God's presence becomes spiritual. Then the implications for believers as a "Tabernacle or Temple" where God's presence in the Holy Spirit.


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How to Cite
Wonoadi, J. P., & Tandana, E. A. (2022). THE TABERNACLE AS THE PLACE OF GOD’S PRESENCE AMONG HIS PEOPLE: A Tripartite Approach on Temple. QUAERENS: Journal of Theology and Christianity Studies, 3(2), 135-154.