QUAERENS: Journal of Theology and Christianity Studies is a place for publication of results of research on Christian theology and Christian ministry with the number ISSN: 2722-0753 (online), ISSN: 2722-0869 (print), published by Widya Agape School of Theology and the Indonesian Christian Theologian Association. The scope of the research study is Biblical, Systematic Theology, Christian Ethics, Pastoral, Christian Education, Church History, Christian Mission, and Religions Studies. The Indonesian government accredited Quaerens Journal, number 230/E/KPT/2022, on December 30, 2022.
QUAERENS: Journal of Theology and Christianity Studies receives articles from lecturers and practitioners of theology who are experts in their fields, from all existing theological institutions, both from within and outside the country. Articles that meet the requirements will be assessed for eligibility by reviewers who are experts in their fields through a double-blind review process.
QUAERENS: Journal of Theology and Christianity Studies is published twice a year, in June and December; it has been indexed on: Google Scholar, Crossref, Dimensions, One Search, Moraref, Copernicus, Garuda, BASE Index, ROAD, DRJI, WorldCat, CiteFactor, ARI, LIPI, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, SIS, OpenAIRE, Dimensions, Neliti, Scilit, EuroPub, ASI, RCID: Connecting Research and Researchers, Academia, PKP Knowledge Project.